Please Consider Joining our Team!
We are a team of volunteers that are all working together as the Wauseon Downtown Association. Currently, the three community events sponsored or co-sponsored by the WDA include: The Wauseon Farmers' Market, The Wauseon Christmas Parade and the Wauseon Strawberry Festival. The WDA is currently raising money to restore a downtown building that will serve as a museum and community hub for the historical Interurban Indiana-Michigan Trolley Hub that was a center for early transporatation in Downtown Wauseon. The building will host a permanent exhibit that will feature the trolley system's role in the early development of the Wauseon community.
We are grateful for all local friends who share our vision for supporting and re-building the downtown area as a center for the Wauseon community life.
The following contact information wil be helpful to get in touch:
Our e-mail address:
Wauseon Downtown Association President:
James Kerr
P.O. Box 216 Wauseon, OH 43567
e-mail: oktoy2003@earthlink.net
Phone: (419) 335 9466 (home)
Phone: (419) 335 3942 (cell)
Wauseon Downtown Association Treasurer:
Wauseon Downtown Association Secretary:
Brigelle Thomas
10062 County Road 17
Wauseon. OH 43567
e-mail: brigelle@toddhthomas.com
Phone: 419 335 1735
Click Here to Link to the Wauseon Downtown Association Facebook Page
Wauseon Downtown Association Vice President:
Toni L. Britton-Harmon
The Upper Crust
P.o. Box 177
Wauseon, OH 43567
e-mail: uppercrust@centurylink.net
Phone: 419 799 9084 (cell).