Memorial Day 2015: Plan Now To Honor Fallen Heroes - Local Events Include Parade And Ceremony At Wau

Make plans now to honor those who gave their utmost in the annual Memorial Day activities organized for May 25th.
The Memorial Day Parade will begin at 9:30am featuring the Wauseon High School Band, honored guests, Boy Scouts, veterans, and other parade participants.
The ceremony at the Wauson Union Cemetery will begin at 10:00 am. The guest speaker will be William Bahret, a WWII veteran who also is known for his contribution to stealth technology for the Air Force. The American Legion Government Test Medals will be awarded to Wauson Seniors and Sophomores.
Breakfast will be served at 8:00 am at the Masonic Hall on the corner of Clinton and Elm Streets. The traditional Chicken Dinner, prepared by the Sons of the American Legion, will be served at the American Legion Hall following the ceremony at the cemetery
The American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars work together each Memorial Day to honor our local fallen heroes and those who served the nation in times of war. The Memorial Day event begins with a parade that stretches down West Elm Street from Clinton Street to the Wauseon Union Cemetery.
Families and guests gather along the parade route watching the Honor Guard, the Wauseon High School Band, Boy Scouts, and cars carrying dignitaries as they pass toward the cemetery. The Boy Scouts hand out American Flags and programs for the service at the cemetery.
When the parade ends at Union cemetery, the community gathers in the open space by the Wauseon Mausoleum. Flags have been placed at the graves of all who served in America's wars, from the Civil War to the most recent conflicts. The stage is decorated with red white and blue bunting, and the flowers bloom around the speakers and veterans who are gathered at the front of the crowd. The Honorable Judge James Barber will lead the ceremony that includes posting of the colors and The National Anthem played by the Wauseon Marching Band, the Pledge of Allegiance, recognition of the veterans and their service, presentation of Americanism Medals, recognition of Gold Star Mothers, recitations of "In Flanders Field" and "The Gettysburg Address,"singing by the Wauseon Chorale, the oration by the guest speaker, the "Armed Forces Salute" offered by the Wauseon Marching Band, community prayers, three volley rifle salute, and the playing of Taps.