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WDA Raise the Roof Campaign

The Wauseon Downtown Association has a new home! You may know the location. Our building is the former Dyer McDermott property on Beech Street. We are working together to repair the building at this historic downtown site. The 127 Beech Street building was once the hub for an electric trolley line (Interurban) connecting Wauseon to major cities in the midwest.

Restoring the tradition of a downtown hub for communication, culture, transportation and social life begins with saving the historic building. The WDA will begin this challenge with our "Raise The Roof Campaign." We need your help! Donations of all sizes can help the WDA to get the first phase completed. The roof at the front of the buiding must be restored first.

Can you help to restore a Wauseon landmark? Tax deductible donations of any amount may be directly deposited at the Farmer's and Merchants Bank. A special Wauseon Downtown Association building account has been set up for this cause. Our goal for the campaign is to raise $6,000 to save the roof first. The Wauseon Downtown Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.

Thank you for your support. Watch for more information as the WDA takes on this project that will benefit the entire community.


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