Wauseon Christmas Parade
On the evening of the first Saturday after Thanksgiving, the Wauseon community kicks off the annual Christmas holiday celebration. Festivities begin with the of lighting the Star at historic South Park. The beautifully lighted Christmas Parade immediately follows. Every year the Downtown Wauseon Association hosts the event, seeking a wide variety of entries for the parade. The planning for the celebration begins in January and continues throughout the year until the holiday season again returns.
The popularity of the Christmas Parade has grown over the years. Wauseon residents and holiday guests enjoy the lighted bands, floats, horses, and entries of civic organizations and fire departments from the Northwest Ohio area. Many spectators reserve favorite spots by setting out chairs and blankets well in advance of the parade. Parking on Fulton Street is restricted along the parade route beginning at 6:30 pm.
Beneath the festive street decorations, the parade progresses from South Park, up South Fulton Street, across the railroad tracks, towards Oak Street. The route then turns to the west on Oak Street. Finally the parade turns south again at Clinton Street, passing the Memorial Auditorium (Senior Center) and the Municipal Building. The parade again crosses Elm Street, turns west on Depot street and ends at North Brunell Street.
One of the greatest attractions each year is the official arrival of Santa Claus. His float takes him to the historic Wauseon Depot where, at the finish of the parade, he greets the children of Wauseon and the surrounding area.
Santa Claus At The Depot
Following the parade, friends and family may meet Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus at the historic Wauseon Depot. Fresh baked cookies and hot chocolate, donated by friends of the Wauseon Chamber of Commerce will be served while members of the Wauseon High School Chorale and the WHS Brass Ensemble greet and serenade Santa's guests with Christmas Carols.
Children and chaperones may enjoy the holiday decorations and train display in the waiting area inside the Wauseon Depot before visiting Santa Claus.
Friends from the Wauseon Chamber of Commerce organize the Wauseon Depot festivities for Santa's guests. The Depot is located between North Futon Street and Burnell Streets in Depot Park, next to the train tracks. Santa and Mrs. Claus will personally greet all children who visit the Wauseon Depot until Santa will have to leave to continue his preparations for Christmas Eve.
Although the Wauseon Depot is easily accessible by foot from the parade route, parking will be available after the parade in the lot directly behind the Wauseon Chamber of Commerce building.
INTV Coverage
In recent years, INTV has covered the parade. Although the station cannot currently bring the parade
"live" to the community, the event is broadcast in its entirety on multiple dates and times throughout the holiday season. Copies of the parade on DVD may be obtained by contacting the INTV office. The INTV staff sets prices and ordering procedures.
