Chicken Pot Pie Supper At The Wauseon Christian Church This Wednesday November 18th
On Wednesday, November 18, the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Wauseon will host its annual Chicken Pie Supper and Bake...

Join the 2015 Wauseon Christmas Parade
The Wauseon Community begins the annual Christmas Season with a fantasitc lighted parade that brings Santa Claus to meet the children of...

Shop Downtown Wauseon at Sullivans Restaurant on November 7th
Local artists and merchants invite the public to enjoy a beautiful shopping experience at Sullivan's in Downtown Wauseon. The event will...

Annual Christ United Methodist Fall Harvest Bazaar This Friday November 6th
The women of Christ United Methodist Chuch on 215 North Fulton Street invite the public to enjoy the Annual Bazaar. A 9:00 am coffee hour...