Fish Fry With Plant and Bake Sale March 27, 2015
At St. Caspar Catholic Church: All you can eat of baked and fried fish, scalloped potatoes, macaroni and cheese, baked potato, two types...

The Wauseon Public Library to host local authors' book talks & signings this month.
On March 26 from 5:30-8:00 p.m., Keri Aeschliman will be signing her first published inspirational book, "In Paths of Righteousness."On...

Wauseon High School Presents Godspell March 27th- 29th
Godspell is a musical by Stephen Schwartz that opened Off Broadway on May 17, 1971. The show has played to capacity crowds at stages...

13 ABC All Stars Return To Wauseon On March 14th
Here they come! Get ready! The Wauseon "Mighty Indians" Staff takes on the TV 13 All Stars on Saturday, march 14th. Spread the word.